Review :: Rivendell MUSA Rain Pants

Overall Rating: (5/5) Highly Recommended

My Rivendell rain pants keep me dry as we ride round the world.

As evidenced in an earlier post, I purchased a pair of Rivendell’s MUSA Rain Pants at their debut (Size L) with the intent of using them on our around the world cycling trip. Having been on the road now [Read More…]

Merino Next-to-the-Skin for Long-Distance Cycling

Simon Howden

One piece of kit that required my attention in the early planning stages of our trip involved what I might wear in between my bike’s finely-aged leather saddle and my own more finely-aged nether-regions. I’ll post later about what I’ve chosen to wear as an outer layer, so to be clear, this particular discussion is all about next-to-the-skin. In this post, I’ll discuss the [Read More…]