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Invite us to write a guest post or an article for your blog/magazine/paper or ask us to speak or present at your school or organization.
We love to talk about bicycles and touring (how to travel or commute by bicycle, maintaining your bicycle, sustainability of bicycling), money (how to save money, power in spending, making money vs. living values), consumerism (how to break unhealthy habits, green-washing by companies, ethical purchasing, human rights issues, socially responsible companies), sustainable living (tiny houses, food/cooking, transportation, footprint, housing, efficiency measures, everyday choices), and the environment (water issues, affects of globalization, climate change, transportation methods, food production, fossil-fuels).
Offer a place to stay, a hot shower or a meal
Offer us a place to stay the night, take a hot shower or get or make a meal, or recommend friends or family who might be able to do the same.
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If you find yourself coming back to our blog again and again, and you have the funds, consider making a small donation to help us cover the costs related to our website (See our Donate Button in the footer of this website). We’re on a tight budget so any amount helps and is sincerely appreciated.
Please Note** If you make a donation, we will list your name on our Thank You page, unless you indicate your preference to remain anonymous, in which case, your identity will not be disclosed.
Check out our Affiliate Links
We have an ad-free blog, however, you will notice a few affiliate links on our site. If you’re interested in products made by socially responsible companies, books that change world-views and attitudes, and companies that provide healthier ways of doing business, check out our links. If you make a purchase through our links, we will earn a very small commission, without it affecting your cost in any way.
Become a Sponsor
If you’re a socially responsible company and would like to offer us sponsorship, please contact us to discuss your ideas.
We support companies that care about people and the environment and that produce quality products. In other words, we may not accept sponsorship from companies that don’t meet some or all of our ethical sourcing and/or purchasing guidelines.