TurnAbout Series

turn · a · bout [turn-uh-bout]

1. the act of turning in a different or opposite direction.
2. a change of opinion, loyalty, etc.
3. a reciprocal action; act of doing to someone exactly as that person has done to oneself or another.
4. a person who changes things; a radical.

Our “TurnAbout” series will cover editorial or opinion pieces, written by us or a guest, about current and critical social or environmental justice issues.  “TurnAbout” posts foster new ways of thinking about our collective plight, spur community discussion and/or offer up radical solutions for worn-out “problems”.


Alternatives to Banning Urban Camping

Is urban camping a threat to safety and prosperity?  Following in the footsteps of a disturbingly long list of other municipalities the City Council of Denver, Colorado had recently executed a preliminary vote on an ordinance banning unauthorized camping within city limits.  The new regulation came about in response to what some people in the city viewed as a threat to safety and prosperity in the downtown metro area, namely homeless people sleeping out in the open.  Kai shares his opinion on this subject in an open letter to the Council.