Our Story

“Action expresses priorities.”

~Mahatma Gandhi


We met in 2001 and although we were headed in opposite directions at the time, we had our suspicions that we would end up together for the long haul. A few years later we found ourselves scaffolding a life together. Being equally opinionated, individualistic, and stubborn, we often drive each other insane. Yet, we are amazed by each other’s unique abilities, intelligence, love, and compassion. And together, we make one hell of a team.

Sheila & KaiSerious planning for simplifying our lives began in 2008, both of us weary of the chaotic dog-chase-tail cycle of working for a paycheck, only to pay off debt and buy more stuff, leaving little time for us to pursue other passions in life, nary an end in sight. We were living in a cloud of delusional complacency.

In the larger context of America neither of us were big consumers nor living a main street life. We had been committed to mindful living practices for years but we still found ourselves surrounded by things that, upon examination, didn’t add anything meaningful to our lives. Many of our possessions were representations of excess and arrogant privilege in the face of a majority world suffering injustice and poverty and an environment in perilous decline. We faced the fact that we were contributing to the cycle – cogs in the wheel.

Upon this realization, we settled into a depression which led to intensive scrutiny of life choices and a plan for change. We drastically minimized our belongings, paid off debt, built our 260 ft² off-grid home, and quit our environmentally and emotionally unsustainable jobs. In an effort to reclaim our lost connection to humanity and the natural world we left our “old normal” behind and embarked upon a bicycling pilgrimage. As we bicycle around the world, carrying only the possessions we need to survive, we devote our time to doing “work” that we love, we learn from the people we meet along the way, and we lay the foundation for a new way of living.

As we continue to take small step after small step toward reaching our goals, we will create a life better aligned with our values. Every day we feel the difference our choices are making. We feel lighter and less encumbered by possessions.  Opportunities previously unseen are suddenly clear and available to us. We feel less scared and more at peace with ourselves. We are leading healthier, more motivated, and inspired lives.


The Way We See It

Dissatisfied with how our society perpetuates a dangerous disconnect from larger global issues that challenge the future of our world, we are determined to dissociate ourselves from the unhealthy and numbing legacy of mindless consumption and wastefulness, inhumane treatment of people and animals in the name of profit, fossil fuel-centric living, and disregard for the limits of this planet.

We believe that most individuals in this world yearn for peace, truth and justice.  In seeking this trinity one discovers reality, hope, and a sense of responsibility, all of which propel a person to act. Moved and inspired by those who display integrity and compassion through every day action, we remain hopeful that the citizens of the world will unite to dismantle destructive systems that currently threaten a sustainable future for all of humanity.