Cycling Sinaloa :: Heat & Hospitality

Weaving in and out of traffic, we finally reach the wide shoulders of Highway 15 leading out of Mazatlan. It is hot, we’re thoroughly drenched in sweat and we are leaving later than we’d like, but we’re feeling energetic and hopeful. We’ve been off the bicycles for over a month, waiting for the ferry in La Paz, waiting for visa extensions and [Read More…]

Witnessing Citizen Activism in Mexico

“Pena did not win. IFE (Electoral Fraud Institute) helped him.”

One of the most exciting things we’ve had the opportunity to witness recently is citizen activism in Mexico. On July 1st, Mexicans came out in record numbers to vote in the presidential election – it was the largest voter turnout in their history! Soon after, thousands of people took to the streets throughout Mexico and the world, [Read More…]

Arriving in Mazatlan :: A New World!

Following the trucks to the ferry entrance.

On June 26th at around 6 p.m. we boarded the ferry that would take us from La Paz to the city of Mazatlan. The ride took over 17 hours and I spent most of that time roaming the decks and practicing my Spanish with truck drivers and children (who are usually [Read More…]