Guadalajara (Part 2) :: For the Love of a Livable City!

Cyclists of all ages come out to take over the streets of Guadalajara every Sunday. Long Live Via RecreActiva!

One of the things we especially loved about Guadalajara was the Via RecreActiva, an event that began back in 2004 and that occurs every Sunday.

Via RecreActiva is a Car-Free Sunday event where the city blocks off over 65 km of city streets to motor traffic for six [Read More…]

Guadalajara (Part 1) :: In the Heart of the City

Murals in a plaza & the Templo Expiatorio del Santísimo Sacramento, around the corner from our hostel.

Wowza, we have lots to catch up on! Sorry we’ve been so silent on the blog lately, we’ve been visiting with family and we’ve also been hunkered down working on our Tiny House book – turns out it takes a lot more time to write a book than we thought (kind of [Read More…]

Galvanizing Hope :: Sujatha Baliga & Restorative Justice

gal· va· nize [gal-vuh-nahyz]; verb

1. to stimulate 2. to treat with induced direct current 3. to startle into sudden activity 4. to coat (metal) with zinc (to add strength)

Welcome to our “Galvanizing Hope” series. This series, as we mentioned in our “On Goals and Living Intentionally” post back in June, will highlight ideas, individuals or organizations [Read More…]

Climbing to the City :: Rain, Flats & Night Riding

Climbing toward Jalisco state line; Looking back at Ixtlan

August 11 – 15th :: Ixtlán del Río, Nayarit to Guadalajara, Jalisco Our panniers are packed and we’ve smeared ourselves with the proper amount of sunblock. We’ve been ready to ride out of Ixtlán del Río for hours now yet we’re still standing in the hotel lobby with our loaded bicycles leaning against the registration desk. We’re not [Read More…]

One Year Anniversary & Valuable Lessons

Today we’re celebrating 365 days of being on the road! We’d like to send out A Big Thank You to all the wonderful people who have supported us along the way! . Three (of many) valuable lessons we’ve learned over the past year: . Don’t believe everything you hear or let media-driven agendas feed your fears.

We’ll admit we [Read More…]

Nayarit :: Rain forests, Volcanoes & Lessons Learned

Riding the “mole hills” out of Tepic.

August 2 – 10th, 2012, Nayarit, Mexico We leave Tepic with our eyes set on the town of Jala, a little over 72 kilometers away (~44 miles). Now that we are 3000 feet above sea level, the weather is bearable. But it doesn’t take us long to realize that we’ve traded insufferable heat and flat roads in for some climbing and heavy [Read More…]