Berkeley :: Our Haven

Our time in Berkeley allowed us to catch up with friends, take care of bicycle maintenance and equipment warranty issues, and to recover from an unexpected setback.

Spending time with friends Jason, Sujatha, & Sathya was simply wonderful! We had many days and nights filled with engaging conversation, laughter, board games, story-telling and bicycling. And did I mention [Read More…]

Our Global Community :: It's not as dangerous as you think.

On rejecting fear and building a global community. [Read More…]

Reuniting with Friends :: Vacaville to Berkeley, California

We cycled out of Davis half-heartedly, part of us really wanting to get a room and spend another day exploring the area, but a part of us also wanting to make as much headway as possible, anxious to get to Berkeley and spend time with dear friends we hadn’t seen in years. On our way out of [Read More…]

California Love :: Sacramento to Davis

Exiting Sacramento’s Amtrak station, bicycles intact and fully loaded, we were greeted by a busy intersection, the setting sun, and no idea of where we would be staying that evening. Narrowing in on the first “free wi-fi” sign we saw on the sidewalk, we leaned our bicycles against an exterior wall of a [Read More…]

California, Here We Come!

We left Omaha in the middle of the night, boarding the California Zephyr a few hours later than expected. Previous hesitations over dropping the extra dough for a sleeper car quickly dissolved into gratefulness for our foresight. Our train attendant, Linda, had already turned down the beds in our “Roomette” so [Read More…]

It’s But a Dream

How we realized our dreams of quitting an unsustainable lifestyle, building our own tiny house and bicycling around the world. [Read More…]