Every Day = Earth Day

It wasn’t the Exxon Valdez captain’s driving that caused the Alaskan oil spill. It was yours. ~Greenpeace advertisement, New York Times, 25 February 1990

A few weeks ago Sheila and I were lucky enough to hear a lecture given by Derrick Jensen at the Ira Allen Chapel on the University of Vermont campus. Mr. Jensen reputably places limits on his travel to speaking engagements, so [Read More…]

Ethical Sourcing

“My mother always wore khadi (Indian homespun cotton fabric). When we wanted nylon she said: ‘I’ll buy you nylon. But you know, if you buy nylon, some industrialist will get another Mercedes, and if you buy khadi, some woman’s chulha (kitchen fire) will get lit. You decide.’ That was a profound lesson in simple living.” ~Vandana Shiva

Detail of “What the World needs now is [Read More…]

Love of Good Food

Healthy food plays a very important role in our lives. When shopping we subscribe to a local and organic diet, with conventional or global items filling in as needed (but in truth, we rarely need the latter).

Sometimes, not always, the organic costs more but we think the expense accurately reflects the real cost of food and is justified. Pesticide and chemical free, better for our health [Read More…]

Money Talks


How we reject “cheap & easy” goods – sharing our money choices and our “Purchasing Procedure”. [Read More…]

Month of the Bike

Way to Go Vermont

“It is curious that with the advent of the automobile and the airplane, the bicycle is still with us. Perhaps people like the world they can see from a bike, or the air they breathe when they’re out on a bike. Or they like the bicycle’s simplicity and the precision with which it is made. Or because they like the feeling of being able to hurtle through [Read More…]